Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Birthday Surprise for Mommy

Today is my 28th birthday. For the first time I believe Griffin understands it and he even started asking questions. He asked me tonight after eating my "birthday tacos" how old I was going to be. I told him my real age, but I probably should have said I'm not as old as I feel. Earlier in the week Griffin had suggested that I have a Spiderman birthday party. He even said that I could use his Spiderman decorations. Such a great idea !

Griffin is upstairs right now playing his new video game, Star Wars the Clone Wars, with his Dad. I got it as a present from Griffin today for my birthday. It was the perfect present for me because it made him happy. Playing video games with Jeff is no doubt Griffin's favorite thing to do. I try to keep his interests active in other things too but it is challenging. On a positive note I found out that our new neighbors across the street have 4 kids that Griffin may be able to become friends with. It will be nice to have other little people for Griffin to spend time with. I feel he is a little lonely since he asked a few days ago when was he going to have a little brother. There is no comment on that request for now.

Last night my niece, Haylie, spent the night with us. Griffin called me yesterday from his Granny's house asking me permission for her to be able to stay over with us. He is so sweet... and he really is an especially considerate little boy. He seems much wiser than his 3 years.

I also called to check into enrolling Griffin in the Perry Tae Kwon Do program within the next few months. The earliest age the program starts is 4. Sounds like Griffin may be a little ninja after all. Very fitting since one of the options for Halloween is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume. The other option for Halloween is a Storm Trooper.

This birthday momma is going to sleep after I go get a kiss from my little peanut. I'm sure he'll just say "Mom I'm playing my game!"


Carter's Mommy said...

Griffs is going to be a karate expert!! Miss you!